Share Price:
Governance Structure
Risk Monitoring Committee
A company must have its own risks in running its business, this, PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring implement a good and responsible risk management to anticipate the potency of risk.In carrying out risk management, the Company implement 6 processes namely:
1. Risk Identifiation, a process to identify relevant type of risks and its potential to arise.
2. Risk Measurement, process to measure the impact and probability of risk identification result.
3. Risk Handling, process to determine efforts to be taken to handle potential risks.
4. Risk Monitoring, a process to conduct monitoring on every factor which may give rise to risk.
5. Evaluation, process of review on overall adequacy of risk management activity implemented in the Company.
6. Reporting and Disclosure, process to report risk management system implemented by the Company
as well as its disclosure to related party pursuant to prevailing provisions.
The Company has detailed various external and internal risks affecting the Company business as well as steps taken to manage it.
• Costs Risk - The risk is managed by implementing cost and budgeting management system.
• Credit Risk - The risk is managed by making loan (partly) as long term loan with fixed interest rate
• Foreign currency exchange rate Risk - The risk is managed by implement hedging, prioritizing domestic suppliers whose payments are in Rupiah, and conversely, having fees (partly) in US Dollars (or other currencies).
• Interest Rate Risk - The risk is managed by having loans (partly) as long term loan with fixed interest rate.
Liquidity Risk - The risk is managed by finding best payment term for the Company’s receivables and payables, and overdraft credit which may be used in emergency.
• Price Risk - The risk is managed by prioritizing long term contract, especially for procurement high value and crucial input component.
• Occupational safety risk - The risk is managed by applying work standard pursuant to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007.
• Environmental pollution risk - The risk is managed by applying work standard pursuant to ISO14001:2004+ Cor 1:2009 system.
• Work quality and time risk - The risk is managed by applying ISO 9001:2008 standard.
• Asset loss or damaged risk - The risk is managed by implementation of controlled system of administration and examination as well as field calculation periodically. In addition, the Company has also secured most of its assets.
• On-going project risk - The risk is controlled by all risks construction assurance.
• Third party claim risk - The risk is managed through third party liability insurance.
Anti Corruption Policy
In creating a sustainable business circumstances, the
Company is committed to avoid all actions of corruption,
collusion and nepotism (KKN). Anti Corruption Policy is
conducted by upholding integrity and professionalism,
sportsmanship and principles of GCG. Moreover NKE also
prioritize the Company interest than those of privates, family,
or groups. This is as form of compliance of the Company
to Law no. 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Eradication of
Money Laundering, and Law no 20 or 2001, amending the
Law no 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of the Criminal Act of
Gratification Policy
In developing business relations with Company, gratifications
cannot be avoided. The definition of gratification itself is
gifts, rewards, souvenirs, facilities, or business banquets.
If gratifications acceptance are not properly managed, it will
cause a conflict of interests that will affect the process of
making decisions in running the Company's business
Therefore, as a preventive effort against act of giving and/
or receiving the gratification, individuals of NKE are obliged
1. Prohibited to receive and/or grant gifts, souvenirs,
business banquets, facilities and other conveniences
which value is exceeding fairness policy (the value
is determined by the Company) and/or may affect
consideration in running Company business.
2. Responsible for gifts, rewards, souvenirs, and business
banquets received/given within reasonable limits in
accordance with applicable rules in the Company along
with its documentations.
3. May only hold a business dinner as long as it is beneficial
for the cooperation of Company business.
4. May only hold and receive a business dinner at
appropriate place so as not to create a negative image.
5. To encourage the Company that all expenses related to
giving gifts, rewards, souvenirs and business banquets
have been authorized by authorized Company Officer.
However, there are exceptions to all individuals of NKE
to receive and/or provide gratification as long as it is
reasonable, i.e:
1. Marriage.
2. Circumcision.
3. Disaster.
4. Specific celebrations such as Holidays and Celebrations
according to local customs and traditions.
5. Appreciation for certain achievements related to
sports, art, and those similar that do not related to the
Company's business.
6. Award in work performance and tenure.
7. Promotion from a particular Company, such as a pens,
pencils, notes, key chains, calendars and others