Share Price:
Governance Structure
Board of Directors
As part of the Company’s organ, the Board of Directors roles is to implement all actions related to the Company’s management pursuant to its articles of association. The Board of Directors share collective responsibilities but have the right to act and take decision based on their respective authority.
During the GMS, the Board of Directors shall submit report of their overall performance during fiscal year and will be evaluated by the shareholders to ensure Board of Directors’s accountability to all investor and management decision to meet shareholders’ expectation. In addition, the evaluation helps to encourage them to be more responsible to the stakeholders’ interest includcing employees and the public, as well as ensuring their ethuc and responsibility in taking a decision.Pursuant to Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on October 5, 2017, the Company’s Board of Directors comprises of four member namely; President Director, Unaffiliated Director, and two other Directors.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities
In general, the Company’s Board of Directors have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. To manage daily operation of the Company.
2. To implement policies, principles, values, strategy, goals and targets of the Company, as evaluated and approved by Board of Commissioners.
3. To maintain Company’s business sustainability in a long term.
4. To ensure performance target achievement and applied prudence principles