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Governance Structure

Remuneration & Nomination Committee

Nomination and Remuneration Committee is established by Board of Commissioners and authorized to stipulate candidate for member of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors along with their remuneration. Board of Commissioners established Nomination and Remuneration Committee pursuant to OJK Regulation No. 34/POJK.04/2014 on Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Public Company


The Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee

functioned to:


A. Nomination Function:

1. Recommendation to the Board of Commissioners on:

• Position composition of Board of Directors and/

or Commissioners member;

• Policy and criteria required in the nomination

process; and

• Performance evaluation policy for member of

Board of Directors and/or Commissioners;


2. Assist the Board of Commissioners to assessed Board

of Directors and/or Commissioners performance

based on standard as an evaluation;


3. Provide recommendation to the Board of

Commissioners on development program for

member of Board of Directors and/or Commissioners;


4. Provide qualified nominee as member of Board of

Commissioners and/or Directors to the Board of

Commissioners to be submitted to GMS.


B. Remuneration Function:


1. Provide recommendation to the Board of

Commissioners regarding:

• Remuneration structure

• Remuneration policy

• Remuneration amount


2. Assist Board of Commissioners to appraise the

conformity between Remuneration and performance

of member of Board of Directors and/or member of

Board of Commissioners.


Nomination and Remuneration Committee is independent in conducting its duties. Meaning that there are no

relation with one another or work relation with Board of Commissioners or Board of Directors; or conflict of interest which may affect the performance quality

Governance Structure

PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring, Tbk is registered in Indonesia

as a public limited company (IDX: DGIK)


ITS Tower, Nifarro Park 20th Floor

Jln. KH. Guru Amin No. 18, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12510​

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