Share Price:
Governance Structure
Board of Commissioners
Board of Commissioners is one of the Company’s organs functioning as supervisor for the management conducted by the Board of Directors. In general, the Board of Commissioners is one of the Company’s balancing organs that makes the business activity runs in compliance with the Articles of Association and applicable standards. Board of Commissioners shares collective responsibility to the GMS and supervise the directors’performance, however they shall not intervene in any operational decision making
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities BOC
1. In implementing its duties, the Board of Commissioners must comply with Articles of Associations and/or
2. To monitor and provide advice to the Board of Directors in implementing Company activities;
3. To monitor the implementation of Company Long Term Plan (RJPP) and Company Budget and Work Plan (RKAP);
4. To monitor and evaluate the performance of Board of Directors;
5. To review development and utilization of information technology;
6. To monitor implementation of risk management;
7. To monitor effectiveness of good corporate governance implementation;
8. To monitor the Company compliance to the prevailing
laws and regulations.
Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners
a. Propose External Auditor to be validated in the GMS and monitor implementation of External Auditor assignment;
b. To draft duty distribution among member of the Board of Commissioners pursuant to the expertise and
experience of respective Commissioner.
c. To prepare work program and performance target of the Board of Commissioners annually and review mechanism on the performance of Board of Commissioners.
d. To draft mechanism of information submission from Board of Commissioners to the stakeholders;
e. Responsible for the duty implementation of Board of Commissioners to the GMS.
Independent Commissioner
A commissioner originating from external party and has no relation with member of Board of Commissioners and
Board of Directors as well as Controlling Shareholders. The amount shall be 40% or 2 member of totl member of NKE’s Board of Commissioners.PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Independen Commissioners has 2 members that met the requirements and has stated their independency to the GMS as regulated by the Financial Service Authority (OJK)