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Experience in constructing hydro electric power plant and the facilities has benefitted the company to expand its construction services intoenergy related construction works.
We built Asahan 1, a hydro electric power facility located at Asahan River – Lake Toba, Sumatera. Asahan 1 has a power generating capacity of 180 mega watts, it is the largest hydro power facility in Indonesia.We also owns Asahan 1 with 3.5% share holding through our subsidiary, PT Badrajaya Sentranusa.In expanding into energy related construction works, the company has implemented assets acquiring to generate recurring income for long term growth.
We formed PT Inti Duta Energy, a subsidiary, in 2011 to realize the diversification strategy into energy sector. PT Inti Duta Energy focuses on obtaining concessions for mini hydro power facilities, building & developing these facilities and operating them. Currently PT Inti Duta Energy has two mini hydro projects underway and has a pipeline of additional 7 mini hydro concessions to develop. PT Inti Duta Energy targets to have 10 – 15 mini hydro facilities, with a power generating capacity of roughly 100 mega watts by the end of 2017.